Collen Barrett: Leading With Luv
It is sad news to learn of Colleen Barrett’s passing . Not only was she Southwest Airline’s Queen of Hearts, she was a true joy to work for and our best client by a million mile's Jacket worked with Southwest Airlines to update their office spaces, creating a vibrant environment that matched their personalities. It was a project of a career lifetime, offered only by the grace of authentic relationships and aligning corporate cultures . Our four-year project with SWA is one I call SWU (Southwest University) because we learned so much about so many things. SWA’s well-oiled teamwork machine was like a Master Class in corporate decision-making at its best. The positive and friendly environment inspired ownership so that each group collaborated in a way that flowed relatively smoothly from one team to another. Our Pink Jacket team worked with SWA , architecture, and contractor teams, and all teams needed to work in one direction toward one deadline. If you’ve ever worked on a house pro...